Sunday, March 1, 2020

Wednesday, March 4th

Hello Friends,
This week we'll be having community dinner at the Masters house and we'll be having burrito and salad bowls. We'll provide meat and rice, and we will also need salad, other toppings, and drinks. 

Looking forward to seeing you all at 6:00!

Looking ahead...
March 10th - Discipleship, men are early and women late. Locations TBD
March 17th - St. Patrick's day feast at the Leatherman's house. 


  1. Vorhees will bring salsa, cheese & sour cream!

  2. The Foglio's will bring cabbage, sweet potatoes and onions.

  3. Leathermans will bring cauliflower rice, guacamole and olives

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Black beans and chopped lettuce. Hunter won’t be there

  6. Mimi will bring chips and drinks


Wednesday, June 24th and Sunday, June 28th

Hi all, We will be having discipleship group at our house this Wednesday. Women meet from 5:30-7:00pm and the men meeting 7:30-9:00pm.  This...